Sunday 23 September 2012

A deadly weapon, in a humble home...

When I was younger, I saw two long objects amongst the decoration in our living room. It had a long metal handle with pictures and illustrations engraved in it as it was partially covered by some sort of fabric. I asked my dad what they were. He just smiled at me and took those two wooden objects out. He held the handle and yanked on it, and out came out a sword. It was the most beautiful sword I’ve ever seen (in fact, it was the only real sword I’ve ever seen). And so, I became curious of this sword and researched on it a little more of its origin.

The Katana

Originated from Japan, these long swords were used by samurai (noble warriors who were appointed by the emperor) in practicing several martial arts such as battojutsu, iaido, kenjutsu, shinkendo, kendo, and aikido. The Katana is often paired with a smaller companion called the Daisho. Daisho’s are worn by samurai to show social power and the honour of the samurai who wields it.
(These are actually my parent's wedding present. Shh...don't tell 'em I took 'em out...)

The Katana and the Daisho plays a specific role in combat. The Katana is mainly used for close-range combats throughout the whole battle as a long-range attack weapon due to its length. But if the Katana is lost during battle, the Daisho comes into play as a “closer”-range weapon.

Both swords are single-edged and the reason why is because the Katana (and the Daisho) are both used for offence and defence. While the single-edged area is used for attacking, the back edge is used to block and defend.

During the Post World War II (1945 – 53), most samurai and their clans slowly disbanded as swords were confiscated and destroyed, leaving the blacksmiths jobless. But in 1953, blacksmiths could make katana swords again, but with many restrictions such as:

Two long swords can be made each month by every blacksmith.

All swords MUST be registered by the Japanese Government.

The only people who could keep these marvellous relics were officers, soldiers, and people who are of high authority. Haha, when I was little I would always take the Daisho (because the Katana back then was way too heavy for me to carry) and pretend I was a samurai warrior. All went swell...

until I placed it back the wrong way and it got stuck...
Much spanking did I receive. Much tears were shed.

AAAaaaanyway, more stuff coming your way so stay tuned here on iheartjapan 


Keep it real, people <3

Timothy James Mah - 57750

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